My Christmas Party?
Ha ha! One of the most anticipated "happenings" at school, the Christmas party! This is a day when we students are BANKRUPT and LOADED, there is music ALL OVER THE PLACE, there are many EXCEPTIONS to the SYSTEM, FRIENDS gather round, LOVE is being showered, ENEMIES become FRIENDS, and BLISS is the atmosphere.
But before this day, I was SO BUSY! I was out almost half of the day walking, buying, and searching for gifts for my buddies! I wasn’t even able to post at my blog! I had so many things to do!
And today was OUR party… It was O-K…but at the start, it was rather sad… Our adviser, MS. Amiela Cardines, was sick. :( We were ALL bummed! It was a very special occasion for us, and she was sick! :( I hope she gets better this vacation… She deserves a good rest! :) Hmm… First we played games… It was all right… But something happened…and I didn’t like it…AT ALL! I don’t know if anyone had noticed it… Majority of my classmates don’t care though. HAH! After all, it’s only me. They don’t know what I can do… Anyway, skipping on… We had our exchange gifts… Har har! Kim was SO furious with me! (KIM! PEACE!) He he… It’s because I lied to her… I told that I had picked out a different code name, and not hers. Sorry Kim! PEACE! He he! Because the truth was, I was the one that got her code name. I just wanted to surprise her. I didn’t mean to lie! I’m a good girl :) Then we were supposed to eat after that. But it was delayed. Our classmate who was assigned to bring spoons, forks, and plates didn’t bring any! So we had dessert as a starter. Elijah sponsored the ice cream. Har har! After a while the plates came… Most of them ran to the food! (MGA PG! Har har! That’s them, not me! I waited for my turn…HONEST!) Them we all left after “FEASTING” in our room.
Then I went to my buddies so we could all exchange gifts! (I wasn’t able to exchange with them because all our time with the party, we weren’t allowed to go out. I was so busy doing NOTHING inside the room… *sigh*) I had a much better time with my pals than with my classmates. Well, whatever… I don’t care…
Hey! I would like to thank my pals for the gifts! (This is arranged by size. Hey, it’s not that I give more credit to the bigger ones. I appreciate all equally :) :P) Thanks Ate Ana, Arturo, Ms. Cardines, Charles (even if the exchange gift is compulsory anyway :P), Chelle Fano, Danica, Edleanne, Iane, Jd, Joan, Kim, Lara, Lou, and Piah! Thanks so much! :)
*sigh* But I know that our party isn't about the gifts, the food, and the prizes... It is about the bonding, unity, and happiness... But I guess I didn't feel it this year... Har har! I'm so bad, am I? *sigh* Oh well... it's time to wait for the REAL Christmas! Har har! :) I hope I'll feel better by then :)
At 12/24/2004 9:51 PM,
Reian said…
christmas na...ano bago n b feeling mo? hehe ...sick c ms unfortunate...hope she feels better by now ^_^
pero opinion k...ang annual christmas party sa a way of celebrating christmas
among friends...(real)christmas kc is..lam m even without the bonding and unity among your *cough*pathetic*cough* (sorry sa term...kc sick n nga adviser nyo la p rin pake..tsk tsk tsk) classmates...what's really important is
you get to feel the christmas spirit...
neyways...merry christmas...and may the spirit of christmas grant all of us the best
christmas yet...(dami kong cnabing christmas :|) hehe
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