Aoi Life... Aoi Gurl...

Open you heart, Open your mind, Open your soul... Be yourself... Don't regret... Be yourself... Don't worry... Be true to yourself... Open your eyes... Speak your mind... Blue... Shades of Blue... Blue is Aoi... That's me... Aoi Gurl..

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Poem without a title, but with a heart...

(Hmpf! I made this poem for a friend! Hehe! My friend liked this one! So I'll post it here to share it with all of you! :P Its simple and very...SIMPLE! Yeah... Hehe! Its like a poem of a 1st grader! Hehe! But the plot of the poem is simple! Read on!! :P)
My life was empty and just full of lies
But then you came and made me realize
There is more to life than loneliness
Life also can give love and happiness

You came into my life without me noticing
You came into my life and had me falling
Even if it were the coldest, darkest night
You were always there, my warm bright light

We're so alike, you and I are like one
When we talk or we're together I have fun
Then I felt glad, we felt the same way
Nothing can compare to this feeling anyday

Your the one that makes my heart beat fast
I hope these feelings we have will last
I love you and I don't want to let you go
I love you and thats what I want you to know

You made me change, and made me complete
Maybe not physically from head to my feet
We love each other and I know this is true
But still I want to tell you that I love you


  • At 4/04/2005 4:46 AM, Blogger Meira Za Burrel-sama said…

    o.o nice poem. it's not that mushy. hehe, good job. XD

    btw thanks for the msg you left in my chatboard... hehe ^^

  • At 4/06/2005 6:11 PM, Blogger Reian said…

    it's pretty inspiring actually...having a person that can make ur frown upside down...great's simplicity makes it beautiful...


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