Aoi Life... Aoi Gurl...

Open you heart, Open your mind, Open your soul... Be yourself... Don't regret... Be yourself... Don't worry... Be true to yourself... Open your eyes... Speak your mind... Blue... Shades of Blue... Blue is Aoi... That's me... Aoi Gurl..

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Curl up and die!

As I enter my room...
I feel something different...
I look around...
And everything looks the same...
What I didn't know that someone was watching me from below...
I get an eerie feeling rush down my spine!
I slowly grab my shoe...
And quietly walk in my room...
I closed the door and walk...
I try to reach for the lights...
When I on the switch...
The light doesn't go on...
The only light I see is from the window...
Then I walk towards my bed...
I still feel an eerie feeling...
It gives me the shivers...
Then I felt something was watching me from behind...
I felt something creep up on me...
I slowly turn around...
I screamed my lungs out!!!
I took hold of my shoe...
and threw it against the wall!!!
I took another shoe and went closer...
I remove my shoe...
And to my disgust...
I saw a squished roach on my wall!!!
I slammed my shoe against it, screaming
"Die stupid thing! Die!"
It kept squirming!!!
So I hit it more and more!!!
After I pounded the defenseless roach about a million times, I stopped...
I looked at my shoe...
And eew...
I saw that part of the roach's body was sticking to it...
Talk about gross!!!

After that...
I learned my lesson...
Never squish a roach with your favorite shoes again ^^


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