10 to 1 things about me!
10 really random things about me:
1) I am poor in penmanship (Ouch! Yeah... True...)
2) I love anime (Anime, not CARTOONS)
3) My favorite color is blue (Uhm...just look at my blog...)
4) I am a sensitive, mushy and romantic person... (Eww...mushy mushy...)
5) I am a grudge holder! (Yeah! I'll have a grudge on you for LIFE!)
6) My favorite number is 3! (Hehe! I can relate it to my name :P)
7) I HATE a lot of stereotypes! (Ugh...yeah...PRETENDERS, PLASTICS, bullies, those who use other people, snitchers, tattletales, annoying brats and many more! :P)
8) I have a big appetite! (Och! Yeah... But I try not to show it when I'm outside :P I'm on a diet right now....really!)
9) I am a Gemini (No doubts about that! June 3 is my birthday)
10) I try to do my best in everything I do! (At least I try!)
9 ways to win my heart:
1) Be responsible
2) Be true (As in Loyal and honest)
3) Be romantic
4) His attitude should compliment mine! (Yeah! So he should be like me! :P Hehe!)
5) Who won't hurt me... (I don't like to be hurt...again...)
6) Knows me (I mean really knows me like its himself! :P)
7) Respects me... (Yeah!)
8) Not afraid to show he loves me... (Not just words...or just action...It should be both...)
9) Won't take me for granted! (Yeah...!)
8 things I carry everyday:
1) Brush
2) Wallet (Uhm...with money and pictures of course)
3) Bag (Hehe!)
4) Hanky
5) Lip balm
6) Phone
7) Earphones (My phone has a radio :D)
8) (Recently) My Sakura Dog tag :)
7 things that annoy me:
1) Videoke stalls by our house (Uhm...its the people who sing that annoy me...)
2) The HEAT
3) Sometimes I'm so bored...
4) MY life (Yeah...)
5) People that are "FAKE" to me! (Yeah...deep meaning...uhm...the typical "I HATE" stereotypes)
6) My dad's 'kakornihan' (:P Hehe! When he jokes my mom...yeah...korni...!)
7) My appetite (Eww... Yeah... I'm not bloated, just a bit chubby I guess... Ugh... I'm exxageratting...)
6 places I've visited:
1) Baugio
2) Batangas (Lipa city! Hehe! My fave!)
3) Paranaque! (Yeah! Bahay nila tito Mike! :P)
4) Mindoro (Uhm...Calapan city and Puerto Galera)
5) Q.C.! Hehe!
6) Laguna -_-...
5 things I want to do before I die:
1) Be with the true one I love and live happily ever after (Hehe! Kind of like from a fairy tale right?!)
2) Find my purpose and pursue it! (Yeah!!!)
3) Be able to be famous and be remembered! (Oooh! Too ambitious!)
4) Have a long happy life :)
5) To be able to remove the stereotypes I HATE! (YEAH! But that sounds...bad... Yeah... Hey! I'm not a sadist!)
4 things I'm afraid of:
1) Losing any of my loved ones
2) Death
3) Loneliness
4) Making wrong decisions (Uhm...yeah... I'm not a perfectionist but...I don't like making mistakes...! Who does?!)
3 things I do everyday:
1) Use the computer
2) Use the phone
3) Eat
2 things I'm trying NOT to do now:
1) Make a friend cry because of what I could ask or say! (Hehe! Yeah...feel sorry for that human! But so pathetic...!)
2) Eat... (Ouch! Yeah... The diet thing...)
1 person I want to see now:
1) ***** :P
At 4/08/2005 10:29 PM,
Reian said…
hehe nice entry....k000lit...
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