those who wanna be me...
Well...lets just say I'm fed up of being copied. Well...its just pathetic if somebody tries to be someone their not, except on portrayals :P. But hey, get this. I know this girl, she is always doing the stuff I do. Try the stuff I try, and wants to accomplish what I have accomplished. AND ITS DAMN IRRITATING!!! Even in the simple things she tries to copy me. No matter what it is, she copies me. She always associattes herself to me. She says were the same, and deep inside I'm laughing my head off! I'm thinking, "Try another life to copy, you can't be me! You can't handle mine you pathetic soul." Hahaha! It ain't flattering to have somebode copy you all the time... Well I'd appreciatte it if NOBODY would copy me. I mean, GET A LIFE! And please not mine... Your nothing compared to me! I mean I know how jealous oyou are of me, and how you wanna be me, but that just can't help ya! You even try to feel as important as I am, but your not! Don't try too hard, the more you piss me off!Your a nobody girl! :P Your just a pest! :P

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At 7/26/2005 8:22 PM,
Reian said…
ahh, ei trish you know some animals use mimicry to defend themselves!? mwahaha (reian...that was sooo mean!)
it's low when you think of it...whoever she is i feel sorry for's either she's pathetic or she's jealous...damn she can be both for all i care...everyone has his or her own identity...we were practically destined to become who we's stupid to say that she was destined to copy you but i guess she just cant accept how pathetic she really is....
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