Ugh... Just feeling... I don't know... In the mood today... Here I it a crime bein' friendly...? Is it wrong to have friends? Many friends...? Many close friends??? Ugh...I just don't understand it... I'm being trobled lately...Many things are happenin'...and theres nothin' I can do 'bout it... Many thoughts keep rushin' into my mind... Don't know why though...I mean...I have a group of friends... The typical barkada... Then...its only now that I've realized... I really was bein' away from my barkada... I was gettin' attached to my classmates...Then when the year was almost over...damn... I felt anger from my pals... I mean... crud...they're mad at me for bein' with other pals... Its like...WHOA!!! WHY?!But I just realized...In our barkada...some are also like me... THey have two barkadas... Its just unfair... They even say a of our pals... they say they'll join us for lunch every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday... I mean...damn... WHAT WAS THAT?! And they go around jokin' about it... But sometimes whenever I talk to my close buddies...and hang out with them for a while... They get mad and say that I spend too much time with them! Thats just crap...Sometimes even about my 'lovelife'... Ergh...sometimes they want to intrude it... I guess in a friendly way is alright... But...sometimes when they really want to 'INTRUDE' as in...really get between us... Its just damn irritating... I'm just damn confused about them lately...BUt not all are like that...Its just that... I dunno... its so unfair... Its pissin' me off...
No permanent thing but change...
Well...err...yeah... Here I go...-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-There are a few people I know... Well...actually, I consider them my friends... Haha! When we started to get along, I thought everything would be okay... Well...everything was starting to be okay... They were fun, and so KULIT to be with... I said to myself that these people would be my best pals for life... And yeah, in one point I guess they were... Then things started happening... Some things change... Not physically! I mean... by means of know...? Sometimes without realizing it... You change... Then you suddenly think at the back of your mind, "When did I change...? What happened..." Tch... but unfortunately some people don't realize change happening... Thats whats so weird... I just don't understand it... Hmm... I wonder why some people are like that...Like me...from quiet gurl that is easliy pushed around and hardly ever talks...(Haha! Yeah, I'm that kind gurl when I was in grade school!)To the outspoken, friendly, kinda independent, confident gurl I now am... (Haha, gotta admit that...)Many things changed about me... Its like I'm finally out of my cocoon... Grade school was when I was a caterpillar... 1st year was when I turned into a cocoon... And now I'm a free butterfly... I'm finally able to spread out my wings ^^ Haha! I'm being able to do what I want without being shy anymore...But still my dislikes are the same... I still hate the FLIRTY, BITCHY, AIRHEADS, SNOBBISH, and alike... They still stir my blood... Grr... Some of the people I knew before...aren't the same... They slowly changed...though I don't remember when... I mean, I know I changed when I was in 2nd year... Haha! Now is the only time I saw change... A lot of change among my friends... Some changed for the better, some changed for the worse... And its getting irritating...Grr...its damn irritating me... Hope they realize it and just...stay away... Grr...
Curl up and die!
As I enter my room...I feel something different...I look around...And everything looks the same...What I didn't know that someone was watching me from below...I get an eerie feeling rush down my spine!I slowly grab my shoe...And quietly walk in my room...I closed the door and walk...I try to reach for the lights...When I on the switch...The light doesn't go on...The only light I see is from the window...Sunlight...Then I walk towards my bed...I still feel an eerie feeling...It gives me the shivers...Then I felt something was watching me from behind...I felt something creep up on me...I slowly turn around...I screamed my lungs out!!!I took hold of my shoe...and threw it against the wall!!!I took another shoe and went closer...I remove my shoe...And to my disgust...I saw a squished roach on my wall!!!"EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!"I slammed my shoe against it, screaming"Die stupid thing! Die!"It kept squirming!!!So I hit it more and more!!!After I pounded the defenseless roach about a million times, I stopped...I looked at my shoe...And eew...I saw that part of the roach's body was sticking to it...Talk about gross!!!
After that...I learned my lesson...Never squish a roach with your favorite shoes again ^^

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