Aoi Life... Aoi Gurl...

Open you heart, Open your mind, Open your soul... Be yourself... Don't regret... Be yourself... Don't worry... Be true to yourself... Open your eyes... Speak your mind... Blue... Shades of Blue... Blue is Aoi... That's me... Aoi Gurl..

Monday, April 11, 2005

Envy...Jealousy... (with additional info at the bottom!)

(Hmm… Yeah… I got to let my thoughts out… Here I go…)

Hmm… Envy… A BIG word… Literally it isn’t so long… It’s just a short word. But the meaning is BIG right? The meaning of envy runs DEEP! It could mean JEALOSY, GREED, DESIRE, RESENTMENT, SPITE, and probably many more. Tch! I’ve even checked for more meanings on jealousy… Check it out…!

-feel envious towards; admire enviously.
-a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something possessed by another.
-spite and resentment at seeing the success of another.

Hehe… Okay… I’m done with the definitions… Hmm… Actually I’m wondering, the bible and the church say that God created us equally, right? I mean ‘We are in His image and likeness’ so they say. But yet all of us are unique… Huh! Isn’t it a weird paradox? I mean…in that instance, religion and being realistic contradict so much! In some ways luck comes in… It shows that some people are lucky, some aren’t… Some are lucky being ‘blessed’ with beauty, talent, wealth, power, good health, and whatsoever. Uhm…they say all of us are given gifts, right? But there never is satisfaction within us. I admit that even I am NOT satisfied with my life… Some say I’m luckier than others. Whenever we are optimistic we compare ourselves to the less fortunate… When we are being pessimistic we compare ourselves who are more fortunate than we are… I experience that! And it bites…

Hmm… Guess that’s just an intro… Because what I really want to shout out is about envy! Because what I wrote in the last paragraph has something to do with envy. I mean, the main reason that there still is envy is because we aren’t all alike. You can agree on me on that, right? Some people are just plain…SELFISH! They want it all! But the more they want it all; in the end they’ll get nothing! That’s just my opinion… Hehe! A paradox… Some people should be contented with what they have. They should know their limits! And that should go as a lesson for me, too… But I guess its okay to like something… Its like reaching for a dream you’re trying to get… And when reaching that dream, you won’t trash or destroy anyone else’s dream just to get what you want! Uhm… I just damn hate people that are plain selfish… I hate them like hell! Especially when they go raining on my parade! I mean, they go trashing my goal for their own selfish and uncanny reasons… When everything I want, they want as well. When I have something dear to me, and they want to take it away from me! Hah! They should just get a life of their own! Heck, I won’t let them stop me from my dreams! If I have something and they want it, not a chance! I won’t let them have it! Especially when I can’t live without it! Not literally, but you get what I mean… *Sigh* Envy is such a pain…! There will never be any end to satisfy people… Uhm…maybe others are simply satisfied… But, not all are easy to satisfy. And I guess that goes for me, too…

But sometimes, others just want to be plain selfish! They want what others have! TOTAL JEALOUSY! I mean, they don’t WANT others to be happy! And that’s not good, that’s damn EVIL! And I just can’t stand people like that! Hmpf! Like here are a few situations I can relate that to…

1. When a person gets jealous at another person for that person’s achievements. (Most of the time this happens… And the hard part is when the two people are friends. First it’s just a friendly competition… But friends and competition is a hard mix. Sometimes it turns bitter and breaks the friendship ties. I’ve seen stiff like this and I confirmed it…)
2. When a person wants to achieve a goal and another person got it. (That’s hard! When you want something and you didn’t get it… Uhm… Mostly happens among friends… Yeah… I’ve seen this one, too…)
3. When a child doesn’t get attention from parents. Favoritism! (Yeah… Family issues… I’ve experienced this one… Yeah… But I’m over this! I’m not a kid anymore! I’m a bit mature than I was before! Hehe! :P)
4. Being felt an outcast in a group. When someone is best buds with another even when you’re in a big group. (The typical… You’re in a big group of friends, but you can’t avoid that one person is close to another. But the hardest situation here is when there are three in a group… You can’t avoid that the two are close and the other isn’t very much…)
5. When there is a couple and another person is jealous of the couple and wants to take one away from another. And the hard part here is when the person wants the other to love him. Or vice versa! (Uhm… Typical love triangle… The guy loves the girl, and the girl loves him. The antagonist is a jealous lover who wants the love and affection of the girl or guy. Uhm… But I’ve seen this one happen. It was a sad one… I felt sorry for the guy…)

Hmm… There are many more, but its kind of hard to explain… Mainly wanting what isn’t yours… It’s just that I really hate those kinds of people who try doing lives of others… Hah! Why can’t they GET A LIFE! Sometimes… No! Most of the time they do stupid and annoying things… They think that by doing that they will eventually get what they want. But in reality, it goes the opposite way! Uhm, I researched and here are some ways that I found. They say these are the ways how selfish and jealous people deal with their everyday selfish and jealous lives… Hey! It’s hard to researched about this! :P

1. They make up stories similar to whatever they are jealous about. (For example that person knows someone who won an award like this and like that. The person will be like “Well actually a few years ago I had an award just like that! Oh you must be proud! I know the joy you must feel! Blah blah blah…” Or “Yeah, I know that! It is so hard to get an award like that! How do I know? Because I had one like that before!” Or it could be like “I’ve been there too!” or “I’ve already done that many times!” Annoying, right? Hah! Such a wannabe!)
2. Whenever there is a hot topic, that person will always say they know about it. (Uhm, for example the topic is about fashion… Uhm I don’t care about fashion much, but that’s the only topic I can think of as of now. The person will be like “Oh yeah! I know that to!” or “Yeah! I do that also! Its so much fun!” Tch! So pathetic! )
3. The person will say nonsense things just to get attention away from something that he doesn’t know much about. (Uhm… For example, that person will try to blend in a crowd that is talking about something. He’ll change the topic to something that he knows better. Uhm…just a tip for those kinds of people…if you want to prove that you know something about a topic, prove it! Don’t just say you know it, because you’ll look stupid! :P)
4. When a person likes someone but the person he likes doesn’t like him back they imagine way too overboard that they think its reality! (Uhm…you can imagine that, right? But it’s okay to say, “He’s my sweetie!” I mean if you’re joking like that, its okay. Hehe! I joke like that, too! Hey, but not anymore… But it’s mainly because you’re such a fan of that person. And nobody is going to believe you so it’s okay! Go! Aim high! Like your favorite vocalist or model! :P Hehe! Just keep your dream a dream! Don’t be TOO obsessed cause that’s not healthy! Hehe! What I mean is that you say that a person is your ex or your boyfriend or girlfriend because you’re crushing on them! And you make up stories just for others to believe you… And that’s damn desperate!)

The final cut is that people who are so envious and so jealous of others don’t have a life! They can’t think of nothing better they can do but try to make lives of others a misery! They feel that they can firmly put themselves on a pedestal! Haha! Well, some may believe them… Uhm for the people who easily believe desperate lies like those… Please stick to facts! Look for actions and not just words. Because those lowlives try to be what they are not! Try to do what they can’t! Pretend to know what they don’t! They can’t get a life! I pity and despise them! No…not only despise… I HATE them! Grr! Can’t stand them! They’re like…PLASTIC! Grr! And I can’t stand plastics! Ugh… My moods turning red… Hehe! And to those Jealous and envious people…Plastics… DREAM ON! Cause that’s all you can do! :P Good luck in finding a life! Get a life! So you won’t influence others into your ‘world’! Hehehe! Have a nice day! :P

(Phew! Okay… I’m done ranting about this… :P Next entry…)

Okay... I've read another article at a mag! Hehe! Its just additional info! Hmm... they say "Envy asks one leading question: What about me?" Haha! I'm so damn sick people like this! What about you eh? I don't give a damn about you! Get out of my life! I don't need you! Don't dare come close!
They say that there are 5 main sources of envy. And I can see its true!

1. Material Envy- Yeah... It is all about the STUFF! Material things... Tch! Sure we would like all the neatest gadgets and stuff! But that isn't a good reason to envy and later on hate the person! Tch! Your a shallow person if you envy just for that!

2. Love Envy- Yeah... Most of the telenovelas are like this! Love trials, comparisson of relationships, the "she-has-a-relationship-how-come-I-don't" Uhmm... it says in the mag that women mostly have envy about this. It says that men don't really care about other relationships other than his than a woman. Hehe!Yeah... I see it's kinda true... Yeah...

3. Status Envy- Uhm... The envy of the status of the person in life... Yeah... That explains it all... That person is a 'something' in the business and your just an employee... Uhm...just an example, okay?

4. Career Envy- Uhm...CAREER! Yeah... Uhm... there goes the words "sipsip" to the boss type... Yeah...

5. Body Envy- Hehe! Uhm... Like... You envy a person cause he or she is prettier, whiter, taller, etc. Physical appearance is what you envy about a person... Hehe! But there is such a thing as surgery!!! Hehehe! Just be careful, alright? Hehehe!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

What type of Mythical Sprite are you?

Air Sprite

Fun loving, childish, innocent and pure You are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and childish your naive nature only enhances how truly cute you are! You may come off as too childish but only because your not burdened with all the rules and regulations of adulthood. You are carefree most of the time spending your days playing tag or naming all the clouds you see in the sky. You are generally kind to everyone because you have lots of love and happiness to share! Making friends comes easy because they strive for the innocence you possess but be careful, being as nice and kind hearted as you are people will try to manipulate your nature if they have not already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to their standards although I doubt anyone could.

.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
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10 to 1 things about me!

(Okay...this is kind of like a survey... I got this from ate Em's blog. Ate Em, we have quite a lot in common! Hehe! Miss you a lot! Mwah!)

10 really random things about me:
1) I am poor in penmanship (Ouch! Yeah... True...)
2) I love anime (Anime, not CARTOONS)
3) My favorite color is blue (Uhm...just look at my blog...)
4) I am a sensitive, mushy and romantic person... (Eww...mushy mushy...)
5) I am a grudge holder! (Yeah! I'll have a grudge on you for LIFE!)
6) My favorite number is 3! (Hehe! I can relate it to my name :P)
7) I HATE a lot of stereotypes! (Ugh...yeah...PRETENDERS, PLASTICS, bullies, those who use other people, snitchers, tattletales, annoying brats and many more! :P)
8) I have a big appetite! (Och! Yeah... But I try not to show it when I'm outside :P I'm on a diet right now....really!)
9) I am a Gemini (No doubts about that! June 3 is my birthday)
10) I try to do my best in everything I do! (At least I try!)

9 ways to win my heart:
1) Be responsible
2) Be true (As in Loyal and honest)
3) Be romantic
4) His attitude should compliment mine! (Yeah! So he should be like me! :P Hehe!)
5) Who won't hurt me... (I don't like to be hurt...again...)
6) Knows me (I mean really knows me like its himself! :P)
7) Respects me... (Yeah!)
8) Not afraid to show he loves me... (Not just words...or just action...It should be both...)
9) Won't take me for granted! (Yeah...!)

8 things I carry everyday:
1) Brush
2) Wallet (Uhm...with money and pictures of course)
3) Bag (Hehe!)
4) Hanky
5) Lip balm
6) Phone
7) Earphones (My phone has a radio :D)
8) (Recently) My Sakura Dog tag :)

7 things that annoy me:
1) Videoke stalls by our house (Uhm...its the people who sing that annoy me...)
2) The HEAT
3) Sometimes I'm so bored...
4) MY life (Yeah...)
5) People that are "FAKE" to me! (Yeah...deep meaning...uhm...the typical "I HATE" stereotypes)
6) My dad's 'kakornihan' (:P Hehe! When he jokes my mom...yeah...korni...!)
7) My appetite (Eww... Yeah... I'm not bloated, just a bit chubby I guess... Ugh... I'm exxageratting...)

6 places I've visited:
1) Baugio
2) Batangas (Lipa city! Hehe! My fave!)
3) Paranaque! (Yeah! Bahay nila tito Mike! :P)
4) Mindoro (Uhm...Calapan city and Puerto Galera)
5) Q.C.! Hehe!
6) Laguna -_-...

5 things I want to do before I die:
1) Be with the true one I love and live happily ever after (Hehe! Kind of like from a fairy tale right?!)
2) Find my purpose and pursue it! (Yeah!!!)
3) Be able to be famous and be remembered! (Oooh! Too ambitious!)
4) Have a long happy life :)
5) To be able to remove the stereotypes I HATE! (YEAH! But that sounds...bad... Yeah... Hey! I'm not a sadist!)

4 things I'm afraid of:
1) Losing any of my loved ones
2) Death
3) Loneliness
4) Making wrong decisions (Uhm...yeah... I'm not a perfectionist but...I don't like making mistakes...! Who does?!)

3 things I do everyday:
1) Use the computer
2) Use the phone
3) Eat

2 things I'm trying NOT to do now:
1) Make a friend cry because of what I could ask or say! (Hehe! Yeah...feel sorry for that human! But so pathetic...!)
2) Eat... (Ouch! Yeah... The diet thing...)

1 person I want to see now:
1) ***** :P

What is your true element?

Your element is Rain: Sad, lonely, distant and unique. You are quite distant from emotion and people, but you have been made this way by one thing or another. You are truly unique yet fail to see it, and are quite creative be it in art, music, writing, ect.. You used to let people in now you don't even bother to try having been hurt so many times in the past. Your attitude is that you don't need anyone but yourself, people are just trouble waiting to happen. But you really do want to trust someone no matter if you see it or not, deep down your waiting for someone to come and set you free. This kind of depression can turn dangerous, don't let them get to you. Not everyone in the world will hurt you, humans are humans and are not perfect. So most likely sooner or later you'll meet someone who feels like you do and perhaps your shell will eventually disappear.

.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
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What I want and should do...

Hmm…In our life there are many things that we could do… Yeah… When we’re bored we could go out and have fun, hang out with friends, watch TV, pick up the phone and call a buddy or you could just sit there…bored… Hehe! Yeah… Summer is such a bummer for me… Nothing much to do… Well…maybe nothing at all… But hey, its better to be here at home relaxing all day, than being in a different place far from home. Missing friends, family, the usual stuff you do, and the atmosphere around you! I mean, I had a near summer bummer threat!! My dad was about to send me to the province for about…uhm…a week or two! Uhm… I know I am over reacting, but I DON’T WANT TO GO! I thought he was going to have his way… Tch! I really cried for quite a while that morning… Hehe! Talk about acting skills… Yeah… I overacted WAY TOO MUCH! It’s a good thing a have a lifesaver mom. (Love you mom! Mwah!!)

Anyways there are many things I could be doing… I could join summer workshops to improve myself… Yeah basically that’s the reason why I join those things… To improve myself… I could also be having a summer job. I mean I have a relative who owns a doughnut shop, I could help around there and it WILL be fun! I could also be spending the whole summer with buddies of mine! Hehe! But I realized something yesterday… Hehe… There are things that I WANT to do, and things that just HAVE to be done… And I guess yesterday… I did more of what I wanted to do… Yeah… I bought more of what I wanted, not what I really needed… (Hehe! Naruto mode! Hehe, long story!) I mean I have responsibilities… In a way, my responsibilities are like missions I have to complete… When I fail a mission, I fail a responsibility I am supposed to accomplish. I feel my rank going down. In the simplest way, my dependability decreases. Uhm… Some people depend on me. And I feel bad for myself when I let them down, or whenever I wasn’t able to be there for them. Sometimes I just don’t know what I should follow... Yeah... I'm in a tug of war situation... I don't... I just don't know...

(Whoa...that just seems like a messy article of jumbled words >.<>

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Poem without a title, but with a heart...

(Hmpf! I made this poem for a friend! Hehe! My friend liked this one! So I'll post it here to share it with all of you! :P Its simple and very...SIMPLE! Yeah... Hehe! Its like a poem of a 1st grader! Hehe! But the plot of the poem is simple! Read on!! :P)
My life was empty and just full of lies
But then you came and made me realize
There is more to life than loneliness
Life also can give love and happiness

You came into my life without me noticing
You came into my life and had me falling
Even if it were the coldest, darkest night
You were always there, my warm bright light

We're so alike, you and I are like one
When we talk or we're together I have fun
Then I felt glad, we felt the same way
Nothing can compare to this feeling anyday

Your the one that makes my heart beat fast
I hope these feelings we have will last
I love you and I don't want to let you go
I love you and thats what I want you to know

You made me change, and made me complete
Maybe not physically from head to my feet
We love each other and I know this is true
But still I want to tell you that I love you
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